Scrambler Meaning In Hindi. Looking for the meaning of scrambler in Hindi? We choose this word as Word of the day with sentence example -Security officials around the world are.
Meaning:- You are the greatest art, the mother of three worlds, destroyer of all the obstacles, fascinator of females, increaser the pleasure of three worlds, remover of bad persons, hypnotizer of worldly people, and you are also the Bhairvi in shut out the tougue of enemies.
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Its first meaning is 'स्क्रैंब्लर मोटर साइकल' which can be transliterated into. Hindi definition, the most widely spoken of the modern Indic vernaculars, especially its best-known variety, Western Hindi. In telecommunications, a scrambler is a device that transposes or inverts signals or otherwise encodes a message at the sender's side to make the message unintelligible at a receiver not equipped with an appropriately set descrambling device.