Text Scrambler. Word Scrambler / Descrambler Enter text for word scrambling/descrambling here. to randomize each word's lettering without affecting capitalization of first letter, punctuation or formatting. While you would use a word unscrambler to unscramble words; a word scrambler is used to scramble words for word scramble games.
Just paste your text in the form below, press Randomize button, and you get shuffled lines. Randomize a whole list of lines. Announcement: We just launched DEV URLS - a neat developer news aggregator.
Here's a function that takes a string and scrambles it.
But they also appreciate that guys want to have sex with beautiful women and this is why they have developed system called the Scrambler technique which if implemented correctly is a.
The scrambler technique is a dating technique that is based on the "Chase Reflex". It will make you a girl magnet. When you're stuck with some random letters, want to make words out of those scrambled letters? well, that's.