Rupp Scrambler. The R nineT Scrambler harks back to the legendary scrambler era and has all the hallmarks of this extraordinary type of motorcycle: a telescopic fork with bellows, a distinctive raised exhaust and a. I just picked up this rupp scrambler a few days ago, its a little rough but, I'm planning on doing a full restoration on it anyway.
I just picked up this rupp scrambler a few days ago, its a little rough but, I'm planning on doing a full restoration on it anyway. The R nineT Scrambler harks back to the legendary scrambler era and has all the hallmarks of this extraordinary type of motorcycle: a telescopic fork with bellows, a distinctive raised exhaust and a.
The R nineT Scrambler harks back to the legendary scrambler era and has all the hallmarks of this extraordinary type of motorcycle: a telescopic fork with bellows, a distinctive raised exhaust and a.
I just picked up this rupp scrambler a few days ago, its a little rough but, I'm planning on doing a full restoration on it anyway.